Bring water and salt to boil. While water is heating, sauté 4 cloves of chopped garlic in a little of the butter. Set aside. Chop basil. Pour teff into boiling water slowly, while continuously stirring. Simmer for 20 to 25 minutes, stirring regularly. Like polenta, if you don’t tend to it you will get lumps! When thick, stir in sautéed garlic and the rest of the butter.  Salt to taste. If you prefer rich and cheesy, stir in a half cup of grated parmesan. If you prefer less fat, save parmesan for sprinkling on the top only. Once butter (and optional cheese) have melted, stir in one half cup chopped basil. Pour into greased 9 x 13 glass baking dish. Let set for 1-2 hours. (If not serving until next day - refrigerate once it has cooled.)Slice zucchini in thin strips 2 inches long. Sauté lightly with 4 cloves chopped garlic. After removing from heat, stir in remaining half cup basil. Sprinkle the top of the teff with parmesan, and toss with zucchini strips.

Place in oven at 350° to melt cheese and warm teff before serving. Can be made ahead and reheated.
When teff grain is cooked as a hot cereal, it sets up as it cools much like polenta. Try this savory dish served in squares, or make in a pie plate and cut in wedges. You can also pour the teff into a loaf pan, and once it sets up, slice and fry like grits.
2 cups teff grain
8 cups water
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup butter (or olive oil)
Photo & Recipe by Lynne Fessenden
1 head garlic
1 cup chopped fresh basil
6 small zucchini (3 yellow, 3 green)
½ to 1 cup grated parmesan